Article I. Identity

There is hereby created a Kentucky Women’s History Alliance to serve as the Kentucky state affiliate chapter of the National Women’s History Alliance.


Article II. Mission and Purposes

The Mission of the Kentucky Women’s History Alliance, formerly known as the Women Suffrage Centennial Celebration and Chorus, is to promote Women’s History and to pursue the goals of women’s education, empowerment, equality, and inclusion.

This Chapter’s purposes are:

  • to recognize, honor and celebrate women’s cultural, ethnic, racial and occupational roles in U.S. history through research, documentation, displays, promotions and celebratory events;
  • to promote improved public familiarity with and appreciation of women’s history by reaching out to schools, churches, civic groups and other community organizations;
  • to further engage women in these purposes in all of Kentucky’s 120 counties;
  • and such other purposes as the Chapter’s members may adopt from time to time.


These purposes shall be reflected in written long-range goals, each goal shall be pursued by specific annual objective(s) with measurable targets, and the annual objective(s) shall always be consistent with the Chapter’s adopted budget. Goals and annual objectives may be proposed by any member, and the officers shall ensure that all goals and objectives are brought before the members for majority approval/decision not less than once annually. In every annual plan, one objective shall address establishing Kentucky Women’s history Alliance chapters in other Kentucky counties until all 120 counties are represented.


Article III. Fiscal year and Non-Profit Status

For planning and budgeting, the fiscal year shall begin on the first day of each year, January 1. The Kentucky Women’s History Alliance shall conduct its business as a non-profit organization consistent with the IRS 501(c)(3) umbrella of the National Women’s History Alliance corporation.

Article IV. Membership and Diversity

The Chapter shall establish and maintain a membership role. A nominal membership fee or donation may be established in conjunction with expressed willingness to promote women’s history and/or to serve on a committee(s), as a Chapter officer, or other such membership opportunities as may be established. The Chapter shall be committed to the inclusion of diverse voices and experiences, and to that end shall affirmatively act to achieve diverse membership and leadership.


Article V. Officers and Duties

Elected officers shall include a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary-Treasurer and a President Emeritus/Historian:

  • The President shall preside at all meetings of the officers and membership.
  • The Vice-President shall preside when the President is unable to preside.
  • The Secretary-Treasurer shall maintain written file records and minutes of the proceedings of each meeting of the officers, of the general membership, and of minutes received from committees, and shall record all financial matters, keep the other officers apprised of the Chapter’s current financial status, and ensure that financial records are reasonably available for viewing by the general membership.
  • All persons who achieve the elder status of President Emeritus/Historian shall be available for consultation by the incumbent officers, and may at any time initiate advisories on the chapter’s pursuit of its purposes, goals and objectives.


Article VI. Terms of Office (three-year rotation)

Rotating leadership shall be maintained on a three-year cycle that optimizes experience gained by ensuring infusion of new personalities and new ideas every year. The three-year cycle shall be implemented as follows:

  • the initial president, after serving one year, shall then retire and enter upon the elder-status office of President Emeritus/Historian without limit of term;
  • the office of President shall then be filled by the Secretary-Treasurer who, having completed one year as Secretary-Treasurer, shall serve one additional year as President;
  • the office of Secretary-Treasurer shall then be filled by the Vice-President who, having completed one year as Vice-President, shall serve a second year as Secretary-Treasurer, followed by a third year as President;
  • Each year, a new Vice-President shall be elected for a term of one year, followed by a second year as Secretary-Treasurer, and a third year as President, thereby perpetuating the three-year cycle of rotations through the three offices.


Article VII. Elections and Vacancies 

Election of the initial four officers shall be conducted immediately after these bylaws are adopted. Any vacancy created by an officer who does not complete the regular three-year rotation through all three offices shall be filled by either 1) voluntary service for the remainder of the year in that office by any available President Emeritus/Historian, or 2) by a special election arranged by the President within thirty (30) days of the vacancy’s occurrence. Any President Emeritus/Historian may, after a retirement of not less than two years, be re-elected as Vice-President and begin the three-year cycle anew.


Article VIII. Committees

The Chapter shall have two standing committees: 1) an Executive Committee consisting of the President, the Secretary-Treasurer, the Vice-President and one President Emeritus/Historian and 2) an Outreach Committee concerned with recruiting new members to the Chapter as well as with forming new chapters in Kentucky’s other 119 counties. Ad hoc committees of specified duration may be appointed from time to time as deemed helpful by the officers for matters that may arise such as, and not limited to, special displays and special events. Standing and ad hoc committees shall maintain records of all meetings/proceedings and shall provide written minutes to the Secretary-Treasurer within ten (10) days after each meeting.


Article IX. Roberts Rules of Order

All Chapter business shall be conducted in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order.


Article X. Bylaws

These bylaws shall be subject to amendment as need arises, and fully reviewed at not less than two-year intervals, and in every circumstance the default option shall be to minimize the written rules by which the Chapter conducts its business.